Thursday, July 29, 2010

Watch The Avengers - Ruffalo Talks About The Hulk!

After the Marvel panel, where Mark Ruffalo got a huge pop when he was introduced by Robert Downey Jr. as the next Bruce Banner, life got a little crazy for him.

Everyone wanted to talk to him and ask about the role and the Ed Norton scandal and all of the rest of it. And luckily enough for us Jeff Jensen at Entertainment Weekly had a chance to talk to Ruffalo about taking over the role, and here's what he had to say about the recent revelation:

"It was very exciting — and I realized I had some pretty big shoes to fill. Those were my heroes up there! I was a comic book fan growing up. I loved The Hulk and The Avengers — it’s just strange to be entering that world as an actor. I never would have imagined that before."

As far as the character itself, Ruffalo had this to say:

"He’s a guy struggling with two sides of himself — the dark and the light — and everything he does in his life is filtered through issues of control. I grew up on the Bill Bixby TV series, which I thought was a really nuanced and real human way to look at The Hulk. I like that the part has those qualities."

And some thoughts on taking over the role from his friend Edward Norton after the latter's public feud with Marvel:

"I’m a friend of Ed’s, and yeah, that wasn’t a great way for all that to go down. But the way I see it is that Ed has bequeathed this part to me. I look at it as my generation’s Hamlet."

Now, I'm not sure if I would compare The Hulk to Hamlet (and I'm curious as to what Thor and one time Hamlet director Kenneth Branagh thinks about that statement) but I do think that I understand where Ruffalo was coming from with the statement.

What do you think about the whole thing? Will Mark Ruffalo step in and fill the big ripped shorts of The Hulk to your satisfaction? Let us know here or over at The Avengers blog!

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